Monday, September 28, 2020

Short Answer Responses: Feasting on Food Short Stories

Choose FIVE of the following to write about in short answer responses:
  1. In which story is food and/or drink a status symbol?
  2. Which story contains the most sensual depiction of food?
  3. In “Taste,” Richard Pratt clearly cheats, but who cheats in “Sorry Fugu?”
  4. Which story best illustrates the relationship between family and food?
  5. Contrast the female characters in “January: Christmas Rolls” and “A Bunch of Broccoli on the Third Shelf.”
  6. Which story best illustrates how food is tied to social class?
  7. In which two stories is food an expression of its characters’ ethnicity? 

Use specific examples from the stories to support your thesis.

  • Approximately 750 words
  • MLA Style, plus works cited

Due: Mon 10.14 (via Canvas)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Week 7: Orange-Scented Polenta Cake with Rosemary, Thyme, and Pistachios

Orange-Scented Polenta Cake with Rosemary, Thyme, and Pistachios from Nadiya Hussain's British Food Adventure (BBC, UK)

Week 7: Orange-Scented Polenta Cake with Rosemary, Thyme, and Pistachios
Mon 9.28/Wed 9.30
Read: OMNI—Introduction – 3- The Elevator Class: Reading discussion; Multimedia presentations


Week 8: Pork Vindaloo
Mon 10.5/Wed 10.7
Read: OMNI—4- The Feedlot: Making Meat – 7- The Meal: Fast Food
Class: Multimedia presentations

Monday, September 21, 2020

Memoir: That Special Dish

Each of us has at least one dish we hold dear. Maybe it’s dish that we routinely enjoy or a longingly rare treat. It might be one that reminds us of a significant time, place, or even, person. Or perhaps, it is a food that emotionally resonates for us, conjuring joy or melancholy. 

For this assignment, write about a significant dish in your life.


  • Approximately 750 words
  • MLA Style

Due: Wed 9.30 (via Canvas)