Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Letter to the Editor: Food Matters

Dating back to the 18th century, letters to the editor (LTEs) are a time-honored tradition in American newspapers. Even in the 21st century, LTEs remain a fixture in every major publication in the country. For readers, they represent an opportunity to publicly voice their opinions, to be recognized on a local or even national stage. For news organizations, it is an opportunity to gauge public opinion on a current event. Though typically brief, LTEs remain an invaluable component of any democracy's free press.

For this assignment, you will write an LTE to a major American newspaper about a recent article pertaining to food. Follow these instructions:

  1. Choose one food-related article from any of the newspapers belonging to the ten largest cities in the country (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Arizona Republic, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Antonio Express-News, San Diego Union-Tribune, Dallas Morning News, and San Jose Mercury News). The topic is up to you, but the article should pertain to a serious food issue. In other words, a story about how Covid-19 has ravaged restaurant industry is more appropriate than one about a new Starbucks drink.
  2. Decide on your position on the issue presented in the article, as well as what you have to say about it.
  3. Study your newspaper's submission guidelines—and follow them precisely.
  4. Read other published LTEs from that newspaper, paying close attention to the types of letters that get published.
  5. Following your newspaper's specifications, write an LTE about your chosen article—be sure to cite the precise title of the article, as well as its date of publication
  6. Email your LTE to the appropriate address at your newspaper—VERY IMPORTANT: BCC on me this email (daniel.hendeldelao@sjsu.edu). This assignment will NOT be submitted via Canvas.


  • Word count depends on the submission guidelines of your chosen newspaper 
  • You will only receive credit if I am BCCed in your email to your newspaper

Due: Email your newspaper (and me) by 5PM on Wed. 10.21

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